Monday, April 6, 2009

"Dont Mess With The BESHT"


It has been some time since I last posted on here. I have been very busy with my artwork. My show "Dont Mess With The BESHT" opened this past Sunday (April 5th) with great success thanks to Hashem. There were a lot of people and everyone was positive. It motivates me to continue my work and show again soon in the future. Im trying to get my new website finished and the blog working. My Art Exhibit was featured in the Long Beach Press Telegram as well as the Los Angeles Jewish Journal's Blog, so check it out.

Pesach and Birkas HaChamah are upon us and Baruch Hashem I feel that I am almost free from the chains of university and will be freed to fully consume myself with Torah like the Israelites did in the desert. Then, just as our ancestors did I must leave the Clouds of Glory and work the land. Hopefully my artwork with Hashems blessing will help bring parnasah to my family to feed them and educate them.

I wish everyone a Kosher and Joyous Pesach and iy"H will be writting again after the Chag.