(courtesy of us getting married)
The Ramak zt"l says that until one marries it is obvious that the Shechinah is absent from a man's life, because the Shechinah only rests on a man in the merit of his wife. With such ideas running through my head I crushed the glass and sealed the deal, The rest of the night a blur filled with so much smiles and dancing that its hard to smile and walk. I'm now married thanks to HaKodesh Barachu who has just given me the greatest blessing i will ever have, a wife. My path back to the Emes known as Judaism has been an interesting one. More gratifying than anything I have ever done. Right now I am at a climax of happiness that I pray to G-d I can coast at for the next 20 or 30 years. There were so many great people around me dancing and hugging my wife and I, and showering us with the most beautiful blessings. I too gave blessings and the same one to every man who I held on to. I blessed them that they should grown in Torah knowledge and that their love for Torah should inspire other Jews around them to want that same love for Torah, because only this way will Moshiach come. Some people didn't like my blessing. What do you want? Me to bless you that you should be rich with money? Ask Hashem for that. If its not been given then maybe you don't deserve it. I asked G-d under the chuppah for Parnosah. I only need enough to feed and cloth my wife and children and enroll them in the best schools of Torah I can. I don't need luxury cars or trips to Hawaii. I don't need a 62 inch flat screen plasma as I don't even plan to own a television. I'm still in a dream during this week of Sheva Brachas. Waking up just late enough to say Shema with tallis and tefillin and just relaxing without worry of work or school. I'm truly blessed. There was a lot of criticism when I got engaged. Almost all of it from the Secular world who can grasp the true purpose of marriage and why the Torah commands us to wait no later than 20 years of age. Some people thought I was crazy, others impulsive. Then they met Sarah Rachel my wife and it made sense to them like I did to me the day I saw her in the kitchen at Derek and Sarah Leahs when it was just Derek's. Still I hear people jealous of us. Not everyone can be happy so there still must be some negativity trying to infringe on us. I chose to ignore it. As in a time these people will soon be married too and be to busy being in love to worry about the jealously in their hearts. Such a bad trait to have, almost as damaging as anger. Something that my wife has almost entirely extinguished from my heart. She has changed me into a humble happy, satisfied man and I thank Hashem so very much for bringing her into my life. Our trip on the road of life is just beginning on our second day of marriage and I anticipate much happiness now that I found my Beshert. She has given me clarity as well. I am now able to recognize that every single event, positive or negative that I have gone through was all meant so that i could meet her that Shabbos and know that she was the other half of my soul. I bless whoever reads this that they too shall realize that everything is Beshert and that they two will be bless if they just ask Hashem for what they need.
Mazal tov!!
That was beautifully written man! Mazel tov to you and your wife!
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