Thursday, June 19, 2008

Non-Pshat of Mans Genealogy

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When you named your child thousands of years ago, it was based off his or her essence, or an experience you had associated with this child. Now you name your child after a family member, a popular name, or even a piece of fruit in Gweneth Paltrows case. Not that I keep track of her life, but apparently once upon a time CNN felt that that was news worthy. The genealogy of Adam HaRishon is found here thanks to The Parsha of Bereishis goes from Adam all the way to Noach giving either their age of death, age of becoming a father, or both. However, there is something truly amazing deeper in the aish of the Torah, between the black fire and the white fire. We find something interesting...

adam translates: man
seth translates: appointed
enosh translates: mortal
kenan translates: possession
mahalalel translates: praise of G-d
jared translates: to come down
enoch translates: instruct
methuselah translates: when he dies it will be sent
lamech translates: to humiliate
noach translates: rest

When you then proceed to form a sentence from the meanings of their names you get the following:

Man (is) appointed a mortal possession, (and) praise(s) G-d (who) come(s) down (to) instruct (him), (and) his death shall bring (his) humiliat(ion) (to) rest.

Its still a little cryptic even with my editing, but this is what I gather from it.

Adam is given Eve and Praises G-d, who comes down and teach him. He tells Adam not to eat from the Trees of Life and Knowledge and he does. After he commits the sin, and until he dies, he spends his whole entire live repenting for the sin. He never does get over it.

Please comment if you find anything flawed in my conclusion. I would love to see another angle of this.

Entomology Source

NOTE: Although I take credit for the analysis the original concept was brought to light by a friend of mine. The reason I cant give him to much credit is his translation was flawed and because he is Christian his conclusion greatly conflicts with everything I stand for. So I wont link his blog because of this.

1 comment:

Richard Mather said...

This is very interesting. I'll have to look into this further. Thanks.