Friday, January 25, 2008

Learn it for yourself

(Courtesy of

I haven't written much since I made this blog, but now I finally have something to write, and it disturbs me more than ever.

Its an infection in the Baal Teshuva Movement. I never thought it was a real problem until I was labeled as acting like a "born again Christian". Besides the fact that I almost threw up after reading it what makes it even more INSANE is the context in which I was insulted.

It doesn't matter what the disagreement was about, because that in itself is worthy of its own Blog and its such a beat the dead horse topic its not even worth mentioning. However the claim that was disputed lead to some exchanging of words.

This Yid told me that his Rabbi made a certain statement about a certain tractate of Gemara. Now I am no one special and will agree 100% that this Rabbi who is only twenty six knows myriads more than myself, yet that does not make him a posek or a ruler on any difficult halachic questions without first consulting his own Rabbi. Or at least i hope.

I told this person that this certain folio was one of the most misunderstood tractates and he should at least look at it himself and learn it with someone. No, his Rabbi says this is how it is so there is no point in learning it and my quote unquote "Quest for Truth" gives him Born Again Christian vibes. Now i know he just said that because I backed him into a corner and his last ditch effort was to insult me to keepsake his own Ego but with all this aside a bigger question must be answered.

What are those Yid doing in that picture up there ???

What type of Orthodox sect promotes learning through Rabbi's and not learning WITH Rabbi's through text?

Ive been to yeshiva for a small time period, and the same one in fact that this person attended and i was pretty sure everyday for a good 4 1/2 hours was an intensive Gemara class.

If anything, the "listen to your spiritual leader instead of reading the text yourself" is a staple of practicing Christians.

I'm not losing sleep on the insult, and I'm not sure if I've lost a friend either, but it bothers me that some Baal Teshuvas think they have maxed their learning and are content with just keeping shabbos and mitvos. This Yid told me that the whole time i was researching the issue i brought to him, "Think of how much Torah i could have been studying" I was so confused because i was learning Gemara almost the whole time. But who am I to tell people that that in itself isn't an amazing thing that brings joy tho HaKodesh Barochu? I'm no one. I'm a humble Yid with the Torah knowledge of a 10 year old chasid from pre world war II and I hate Galus.

Get me out of here Moshiach

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, in the defense of Christianity, it is not accurate to say that the typical "practicing" Christian learns primarily through the means of their spiritual leaders. Our doctrine is studied just as exhaustively; both in private and in community. This stems from the understanding that scripture is intended for all to understand, both the intelligible and the simple-minded.